Monday, July 27, 2009

Guys Only!! Do you prefer women with straight or curly hair...?!?

seems like us curly haired women are being rejected because of the whole straight iron hair look! what gives?? so i gotta know what do you prefer??

Guys Only!! Do you prefer women with straight or curly hair...?!?

It just the depends on the girl. Trust me, if youre naturally curly then i'll probably prefer curls on you, if youre naturally straight haired then i'd prefer straight hair on you. I think naturally curly haired women are hot.

Guys Only!! Do you prefer women with straight or curly hair...?!?

Straight or wavy. i hate curly.

Guys Only!! Do you prefer women with straight or curly hair...?!?

I hate that whole perm look. It makes women look like old ladies.

Guys Only!! Do you prefer women with straight or curly hair...?!?

either works as long as it suits teh face.

Guys Only!! Do you prefer women with straight or curly hair...?!?

To me personally it doesnt matter but straight does the job for me.

Guys Only!! Do you prefer women with straight or curly hair...?!?

Wavy or curls. Straight hair is too common. :)

Guys Only!! Do you prefer women with straight or curly hair...?!?


Guys Only!! Do you prefer women with straight or curly hair...?!?

Sorry I know I'm not a guy, but I can tell you what my boyfriend says on it. He prefers me with straight hair. I have naturally curly hair that I where sometimes curly and sometimes straight.

Guys Only!! Do you prefer women with straight or curly hair...?!?

i like wavy

Guys Only!! Do you prefer women with straight or curly hair...?!?

Natural straight hair looks kinda weird, but hair straightened with a straightener looks hot. I think wavy hair looks pretty good but most curly hair is ugly as hell.

Guys Only!! Do you prefer women with straight or curly hair...?!?

Straight on some girls, wavy on other. Curly looks like something on an old person.

Guys Only!! Do you prefer women with straight or curly hair...?!?

i asked a guy and he said he doesnt like straight or curly but he likes wavy~~~~

Guys Only!! Do you prefer women with straight or curly hair...?!?

makes no diff

Guys Only!! Do you prefer women with straight or curly hair...?!?

I prefer straight, I dont know why though. I dont like a fresh perm until it has calmed down a little. After a week ot two, they are o.k. I like to run my fingers through my woman's hair. If it is too curley, i cant do that so much. And when women get older, they like to put those really tight pincurls in their hair. Why?

Guys Only!! Do you prefer women with straight or curly hair...?!?

im a girl...

but i straighten my hair. maybe make them pretty curls but i only like striaght clean look.

Guys Only!! Do you prefer women with straight or curly hair...?!?

Gotta be curls!

Straight hair reminds me of a horses mane.

Guys Only!! Do you prefer women with straight or curly hair...?!?

I would prefer wavy curly is too much straight is too little but wavy is right!!

Guys Only!! Do you prefer women with straight or curly hair...?!?

i know im not a guy but i hear that guys like straight hair so that they can run their hands through it.

Guys Only!! Do you prefer women with straight or curly hair...?!?

I like hair that is 1. Long, 2. straight to wavy, and 3. Color, Blond, to Red and everywhere in between

Guys Only!! Do you prefer women with straight or curly hair...?!?

i like wavy and straight hair on a gurl. but for me straight hair is a more of a turn on though. but wavy shows hair shows how much time and care you put into your hair.

Guys Only!! Do you prefer women with straight or curly hair...?!?

i love women with long curly hair.

Guys Only!! Do you prefer women with straight or curly hair...?!?

I asked my friend (who's a guy) and he said straight hairr.

Guys Only!! Do you prefer women with straight or curly hair...?!?

I have naturally straight hair, but my husband has always LOVED Keri Russell's hair (Felicity) So I finally got it permed and he hates it. He misses my straight pretty hair, but still loves pretty curly hair on other girls.

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