Alright, so I'm a guy who has black hair. How do I get a hairstyle like this:
I want a hairstyle like that, but problem is, my hair is a little curlier and I have a lot of hair. I want a hairstyle SIMILAR to that. I don't want that gay guys hair. I hate High school musical. How can I get my hair to be straight and flat like that? My hair looks thick because I have a lot of hair and when I blow dry it, it gets all puffy which I don't want. I only get the nice an thin look when I wear can I make it look thin and straight for real? Do I have to iron it? Isn't that for girls? how do I do it? It pisses the hell out of me when my hair gets messed up so easily by the wind, PLease helP Me!
How do you get straight hair?? (I'm a guy)?
I used to blow dry my hair right after a shower. But I've learned that if I take a shower, wrap my heair up in a towel, sleep and wake up the next morning THEN dry my hair its crazy- my hair is sooo straight and it doesnt frizz up of get messed up by the wind at all! I know you're a guy but it should work for you too! The reason this is so effective is b/c while sleeping your hair gets a little oily- with the extra oil your hair can stay and do as you tell it to. (This is the same reason girls say to wash their hair the day BEFORE prom, b/c clean hair cant hold well, have it a little 'dirty' or oily then your hair will stay and hold better)
It should work! I have naturally wavy hair and my hair will stay pin straight all day doing that!
Good luck! :-)
How do you get straight hair?? (I'm a guy)?
straightenn it witha straightner....a.k.a flatiron
How do you get straight hair?? (I'm a guy)?
Buy a good straightener, like ghd. It's like $200 but it's the best :]
How do you get straight hair?? (I'm a guy)?
Yes, use a flat iron and if you have problems with it getting messed up in the wind, maybe use some hairspray or gel. Also, if you think the straightening irons are "too girly" then there are straightening gels and serums. If you look in drugstores and places like that, I'm sure they have straightening products aimed at guys. Good luck!
How do you get straight hair?? (I'm a guy)?
the a revon one for like 440 i just it and it's great
How do you get straight hair?? (I'm a guy)?
if you don't wanna use a straightener (ur buddies might make funna u) then you can get your hair professionally straigtened. it lasts like a year or so... its like a perm but backwards-same technique.
hope this helps!
How do you get straight hair?? (I'm a guy)?
Buy a shampoo that is like smoothing shampoo and use a conditioner in the same line ...You could use a flat iron spray on your hair and blow dry it with a big round hair brush ....If you would like to use a flat iron ...they are great and its okay being a guy and using one ...just means you care about the way you look. I am gonna send you a site that has all kinds of flat irons and reviews about them . I bought the new Sedu and it is wonderful . This website is great get thirty days to try it and if you don't like it send it back ......
Hope this was helpful ~~~
How do you get straight hair?? (I'm a guy)?
use a straightener
How do you get straight hair?? (I'm a guy)?
well maybe don't dry it, that might make it less puffy. also you probably just want to straighten it with a flat iron, it's not just for girls, i know guys who have done it no one else would know.
How do you get straight hair?? (I'm a guy)?
ok well if your hair is really puffy/thick straightening would be hard. So straighten (yes like girls do) would be hard and most likey annoying. First go get your hair cut and get rid of the excess hair. It will become less fuffy. You could get your hair professionally done like someone else said but considering your hair as you described it, the hairstyle would probally only stay for a day and going to the hair salon to staighten your hair as a guy seems kinda overrtaed dont you think? What i recommed is after you get your hair cut tell themn to spike it up. I LOVE guys' hair like that. Very sexy Plus it looks better than being shaggy or having to straighten it. It will look good. Its not hard...Just use gel and a comb. Alot of guys use that. Better than "girly" straighters as some boys say. =]
How do you get straight hair?? (I'm a guy)?
theres a thing called a striaghtner.
many guys at my school use them for flatter hair.
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